Analaisa akurasi perpotongan garis dengan lingkaran dan lingkaran dengan lingkaran

The problem in accuracy of intersection between a circle and a straight line and
between two circles was considered using a unified representation. There are two formulations of the intersection between a straight line and a circle. The first formulation uses an initial point of the line outside the circle, the second formulation uses the midpoint of the line between the intersection points as the initial point. For circle-circle intersection, there are three formulations.The first formulation uses the radical axis intersecting with one of the two circles. The secondformulation uses the radical axis intersecting with the orthogonal circle obtained by adding theweighting equations of the two circles. The third formulation uses the radical axis intersecting, with the orthogonal circle obtained by adding the equations ofthe two circles

Ir. Djoni Haryadi Setiabudi, M.Eng. Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown JURNAL INFORMATIKA Vol. 1, No.1, Mel 1999 : 43ยท48; Djoni Hariyadi Setiabudi (85-009) Unknown
