Kurva bezier dan bresenham untuk pembuatan lingkaran

One of the primitive in computer graphics is a circle. It needs a special method to
draw a circle like Bezier method and Bresenham algorithm. According to Bezier method, it use polygon control points to draw circle but it use coordinate points of translation on Bresenham algorithm. In this research, there are two methods were compared namely Bezier’s method and Bresenham algorithm. Both of them were comparing according to speed and accuration in drawing a circle. The purpose of this research is to know which one is better to draw a good circle. It is used of Borland Delphi programming language for implementation. The result of this research shows Bresenham algorithm had 1.44 times faster than Bezier for 70 drawing points, however for accuration, the Bezier’s method is better. The error of Bezier X coordinate is 0,038379671 smaller than that of Bresenham X coordinate, and the error of Bezier Y coordinate is 0,026411257 less than Bresenham Y coordinate.

Ir. Djoni Haryadi Setiabudi, M.Eng. Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown JURNAL INFORMATIKA Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2001: 51 - 56; Djoni Haryadi Setiabudi (85-009) Unknown
