Designing an integrated objective key result and key performance indicator to optimize performance management

This study aims to design an Objective and Key Results (OKR) system aligned with the business processes of PT. XYZ to optimize the company's performance management. In a competitive industrial environment, aligning strategic objectives with daily performance is essential. OKR and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) offer complementary approaches to monitor progress and ensure the effective and efficient achievement of company goals. The research methodology involves mapping the existing business processes at PT. XYZ, identifying areas that require improvement, and developing an OKR system tailored to the company’s needs. This study also examines how the integration of OKR and KPI can enhance transparency, collaboration, and accountability in achieving company objectives. The cascading of OKRs from management to operational departments is explored to ensure alignment between strategic and operational goals. The results of the study show that a well-structured OKR and KPI system, integrated with the business processes of PT. XYZ, can improve performance efficiency, accelerate target achievement, and provide better insights into the company’s performance. These findings are expected to contribute to the optimization of performance management at PT. XYZ and serve as a reference for other companies in the implementation of OKR and KPI systems.

ANTONNY NEUVILLE LEONARDO Jani Rahardjo (Advisor 1); I Nyoman Sutapa (Examination Committee 1) Universitas Kristen Petra English Digital Theses Undergraduate Thesis Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis Skripsi No. 02010042/IBE/2025; Antonny Neuville Leonardo (C13210024) Unknown
