Pembuatan aplikasi audience reponse system berbasis web dan android

Audience Response Systems are widely used in various events as a media to gather information, to
collect data, and to know the opinions of the general public towards particular issues, topics, news. Audience
Response System can also be used to find out the client or customer satisfaction to the quality of products or
services. Unfortunately most of the audience response systems that exist today are in the form of a physical
(or remote) device which is severely limited in use. Along with the development of technology, almost all
people have a smartphone to support their daily activities. The physical remote device called a clicker can be
replaced with an application or program that can be installed on smartphones, while the polls are created
through the website. In this research, the Audience response system was built using Node.js, PhoneGap
platform, and the WebSocket Socket.IO as Javascript library to support bi-directional data communications.
Based on testing result, this application can run properly all the functionalities that have been mentioned
such as login to the system, create a poll, join a poll, and give a vote. The realiability of the system is 93%..

Henry Novianus Palit, S.Kom., M.Kom., Ph.D.; Justinus Andjarwirawan; ALBERT LEONARDO PISA Unknown Universitas Kristen Petra Indonesian eDIMENSI Journal Unknown Jurnal Informatika, Vol. 13, No. 1, Mei 2015, 25-32; Albert Leonardo (NA00404791), Henry Novianus (14-001) dan Justinus (98-031) Unknown
