UnknownSchröder, Jörg
Springer International Publishing (Cham, Switzerland , 2018) (eng) English9783319688831CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures1st ed.MAGNETIC MATERIALS; UnknownThe book covers experiments and theory in the fields of ferroelectrics, ferromagnets, ferroelastics, and multiferroics. Topics include experimental preparation and characterization of magnetoelectric multiferroics, the modeling of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials, the formation of ferroic microstructures and their continuum-mechanical modeling, computational homogenization, and the algorithmic treatment in the framework of numerical solution strategies.
Physical dimension
Summary / review / table of contents
Fundamentals of magneto-electro-mechanical couplings: continuum formulations and invariant requirements --
Ferroelectric and ferromagnetic phase-field modeling --
Semiconductor effects in ferroelectrics --
Electromechanical models of ferroelectric materials --
An FE2-scheme for magneto-electro-mechanically coupled boundary value problems --
Multiscale modeling of electroactive polymer composites.