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Journalism in an era of big data: cases, concepts, and critiques

Unknown Lewis, Seth C. Rouledge (London, 2017) (eng) English 9781138692039 Unknown Unknown JOURNALISM-COMPUTER NETWORK RESOURCES; Unknown This volume thus explores a range of phenomena, from the use of algorithms in the newsroom to the emergence of automated news stories, at the intersection between journalism and the social, computer, and information sciences.

Physical dimension
xii, 149 p. 26 cm. ill.

Summary / review / table of contents

Introduction: journalism in an ear of big data: cases, concepts and critiques / Seth C. Lewis --
Clarifying journalism's quantitative turn: a typology for evaluating data journalism, computational journalism, and computer-assisted reporting / Mark Coddington --
Between the unique and the pattern: historical tensions in our understanding of quantitative journalism / C. W. Anderson --
Data-driven revelation? Epistemological tensions in investigative journalism in the age of "big data" / Sylvain Parasie --
From Mr. and Mrs. outlier to central tendencies: computational journalism and crime reporting at the Los Angeles Times / Mary Lynn Young and Alfred Hermida --
Algorithmic accountability: journalistic investigation of computational power structures / Nicholas Diakopoulos --
the robotic reporter: automated journalism and the redefinition of labor, computational forms, and journalistic authority / Matt Carlson --
Waiting for data journalism: a qualitative assessment of the anecdotal take-up of data journalism in French-speaking Belgium / Juliette De Maeyer, Manon Libert, David Domingo, Francois Heinderyckx and Florence Le Cam --
Big data and journalism: epistemology, expertise, economics, and ethics / Seth C. Lewis and Oscar Westlund.

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