Philosophy and education: an introduction in Christian perspective
Knight, George R.Unknown
Andrews University Press (Michigan, 2006) (eng) English9781883925543Unknown4th ed.PHILOSOPHY; UnknownKnight's textbook surveys the philosophies and philosophic issues relevant to Christian education. Teachers, students of education, and other readers will find this book a "helpful guide for analyzing educational purposes and practices in the light of their basic beliefs."
Besides investigating the relationship between philosophy and education and discussing how philosophies have affected contemporary practices in the classroom, Knight offers a Christian approach to philosophy and relates such an approach to educational practices.
Philosophy and Education is divided into three sections. Part I deals with basic concepts in philosophy and the relationship between philosophy and education. Part II is a survey of how traditional and modern philosophies have faced the basic philosophic questions and what that has meant for educational practice. Part III discusses the necessity of developing a personal philosophy of education, one possible approach to a Christian philosophy, and some of the ramifications of such a philosophy for educational practice in Christian schools.
Physical dimension
xv, 301 p.23 cm.Unknown
Summary / review / table of contents
The nature of philosophy and education --
Philosophic issues in education --
Traditional philosophies and education --
Modern philosophies and education --
Contemporary theories of education --
Analytic philosophy and education --
The necessity of building a personal philosophy of education --
A Christian approach to philosophy --
A Christian approach to education.