Enhancing decision making quality: digital accounting system in Indonesia’s banking sector

With the increasing development of digital accounting systems, influence on decision-making quality has become more pronounced. Therefore, this research seeks to evaluate how the success factors of these systems contribute to advancing decision-making quality in Indonesia's banking sector. To answer this question, this research is using McLean and DeLone Success Model Theory testing and evaluating the most influential variables. The data is obtained from questionnaires filled out by individual decision makers employed in Indonesia's banking sector throughout the country, all of whom are active users of digital accounting systems. Following data collection, the analysis is conducted using the PLS-SEM method.

JESSIE LAKSMONO LIE Josua Tarigan (Advisor 1); Saarce Elsye Hatane (Examination Committee 1); Alan Darmasaputra, S.E., MPA., M.Bus. (Examination Committee 2) Universitas Kristen Petra English Digital Theses Undergraduate Thesis Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis Undergraduate Thesis No. 32011065/AKT/2024; Jessie Laksmono Lie (D12200157) ACCOUNTING--TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS
